Colloidal AFM probe with polystyrene microsphere on NanoWorld PNP-TR-TL-Au AFM cantilever

Material: Polystyrene
Diameter: 1.98 - 14.45 µm
AFM Cantilever - Short
Force constant: 0.32 N/m
Res. Frequency: 67 kHz
Length: 100 µm
AFM Cantilever - Long
Force constant: 0.08 N/m
Res. Frequency: 17 kHz
Length: 200 µm
Select microsphere diameter:
Select AFM cantilever:

The CP-PNP-PS colloidal probe features a spherical polystyrene (PS) microparticle attached by a polymer adhesive to the free end of a NanoWorld PNP-TR-TL-Au tipless AFM cantilever.

The microspheres are made of polystyrene with density 1.05 g/cm3. They are hydrophobic, non-porous and robust. They are available in 5 different diameter ranges:

  • A = 1.98 µm ± 5%
  • B = 3.6 µm ± 5%
  • C = 6.1 µm ± 5%
  • D = 10.8 µm ± 5%
  • E = 14.45 µm ± 5%

Please choose A, B, C, D or E when ordering!

Due to the different microsphere masses, the colloidal probe resonance frequency may be lower than the specified value for the base tipless AFM cantilever.

The NanoWorld™ PNP-TR-TL-Au AFM probes feature 2 different tipless, triangular AFM cantilevers with very low force constants made of low-stress silicon nitride. A microsphere is attached to only one of the two AFM cantilevers.

Please choose long (CP-PNPL-) or short (CP-PNPS-) AFM cantilever when ordering!

The AFM cantilevers have an overall gold coating.

The holder chip features alignment grooves on the back side which guarantee precise alignment of the AFM cantilever position when used together with the NANOSENSORS™ Alignment chip.

The colloidal probe technique uses single colloids attached to AFM cantilevers for force measurements and offers possibilities for better understanding of many fundamental interactions such as adhesion phenomena, particle-surface interactions, mechanical properties, suspensions, hydrodynamics and boundary slip.

Nota bene: Colloidal AFM probes with PNP-TR-TL-Au cantilevers have complex behavior that is strongly dependent on ambient temperature and humidity, often leading to AFM cantilever bending and torsion. We strongly recommend using colloidal AFM probes with SD-qp-CONT-TL or SD-qp-SCONT-TL AFM cantilevers for all applications that require very soft AFM cantilevers and/or operation in fluids. This product is manufactured only because of customer demand. Therefore, we do not guarantee the integrity or functionality of PNP-based colloidal probes. Exchanges or returns are expressly excluded.